- Legends of the Flying Dutchman.
- A Voyage to New South Wales (London, 1795), by George Barrington. pp. 45-47.
- The Flying Dutchman; Written on Passing Dead-Man's Island In the Gulf of St Lawrence, Late in the Evening, Sept. 1804.
- ヴァンダーデッケン望郷の便り、あるいは愛着ゆえの執着(1821)Vanderdecken's Message Home;*11 Or, The Tenacity Of Natural Affection
Legends of the Flying Dutchman.
コールリッジ『年寄り船乗り』を訳していて気になったのは、サルガッソにも「さまよえるオランダ人」にも言及がないことで、調べてみると伝説が形を整えたのは、1821年の小説 Vanderdecken's Message Home; Or, The Tenacity Of Natural Affection(作者不明)からであった。そもそもワーグナーの楽劇『さまよえるオランダ人』Der Fliegende Holländer (The Flying Dutchman), WWV 63 は、直接にはドイツの詩人ハインリヒ・ハイネ『フォン・シュナーベレヴォプスキー氏の回想記』(Aus den Memoiren des Herren von Schnabelewopski、1834)を元にしたワーグナー自身の台本によるのだが、そのまた元になるオランダ人伝説は、意外にも当時の出来立てに近い話であったのだ。但し、ワーグナーが舞台をノルウェーに持って行ったのに対し、元は喜望峰にまつわる話で、特にヴァンダーデッケンの船はケープタウン沖から離れられないことになっている。
この説話については、ピッツバーグ大学の D. L. Ashliman 教授のまとめサイト The Flying Dutchman
legends of Aarne-Thompson-Uther type 777*1があるから、アシュリマン教授が引用遊ばされた原典を参照しつつ翻訳してみた。
なお The Flying Dutchman の呼称は「さまよえるオランダ人」号と訳されてきたけれども、これは「さまよえるユダヤ人」に準えた表現であり、元はその快速を誇る「飛ぶように走るオランダ人」の意であったと思われるので、訳語を改変するか悩み中。
天候は非常に荒れ模様で、船乗りたちはさまよえるオランダ人が出たぞと称する程であった。よく聞く話では、このオランダ人は悪天候から喜望峰に逃れ来て、港に入ろうとしたところが、導くべき水先案内人が居らず、行方不明になってしまった。以来、大時化に遭うと、かの船の幻が現れるという。その船に向かって呼びかけでもしたら、普通に返事が来るぞと、船乗りたちは恐れ慄く。やがて私たちは貿易風に乗り、好天に恵まれたため、2週間はほとんど帆を動かさなかった。私たちは喜んでセントヘレナに下り、10日間停泊した。 陸上では、私はスチュワードの代理とテイラー船長の使用人を兼務。セントヘレナでは食事が早いので、私たちは毎日夕食後、白人農民に混じって田舎を歩いた。標高が高いので、海を見渡すことができ、農家の娘や白人の少女をたくさん見かけた。
The weather was so stormy, that the sailors said they saw the flying Dutchman. The common story is, that this Dutchman came to the Cape*2 in distress of weather, and wanted to get into harbour, but could not get a pilot to conduct her, and was lost ; and that ever since, in very bad weather, her vision appears. The sailors fancy that is you would hail her, she would answer like another vessel. At length we got into the trade winds, and had fine weather, so that we hardly shifted a sail for two weeks, when the ship's company had ease after hard work. We came down with pleasure to st. Helena,*3 and stopped ten days. On shore I was acting- steward, and Captain Taylor's, servant. As they dine early at st.Helena, we walked every day after dinner up the country amongst the white farmers. As the country is very high, we could see a great way at sea ; and up the country we saw a great many white girls, farmers daughters.
A Voyage to New South Wales (London, 1795), by George Barrington. pp. 45-47.
Superstition of the sea men - Story of the Flying Dutchman
I had often heard of the superstition of sailors respecting apparitions, but had never given much credit to the report; it seems that some years since a Dutch man-of-war*4 was lost off the Cape of Good Hope, and every soul on board perished; her consort weathered the gale, and arrived soon after at the Cape. Having refitted, and returning to Europe, they were assailed by a violent tempest nearly in the same latitude. In the night watch some of the people saw, or imagined they saw, a vessel standing for them under a press of sail, as though she would run them down; one in particular affirmed it was the ship that had foundered in the former gale, and that it must certainly be her, or the apparition of her; but on its clearing up, the object (a dark thick cloud) disappeared.
Nothing could do away the idea of this phenomenon on the minds of the sailors; and, on their relating the circumstances when they arrived in port, the story spread like wildfire, and the supposed phantom was called the Flying Dutchman. From the Dutch the English seamen got the infatuation, and there are very few Indiamen, but what has someone on board, who pretends to have seen the apparition.
About two in the morning I was waked by a violent shake by the shoulder, when, starting up in my hammock, I saw the boatswain, with evident signs of terror and dismay in his countenance, standing by me.
"For God's sake, messmate," said he, "hand us the key of the case, for by the Lord I'm damnably scarified; for, d'ye see, I was just looking over the weather bow*5, what should I see but the Flying Dutchman coming right down upon us, with everything set -- I know 'twas she -- I cou'd see all her lower-deck ports*6 up, and the lights fore and aft, as if cleared for action.*7 Now as how, d'ye see, I am sure no mortal ship could bear her lower-deck ports up and not*8 sounder*9 in this here weather. Why, the sea runs mountains high. It must certainly be the ghost of that there Dutchman, that foundered in this latitude, and which, I have heard say, always appears in this here quarter, in hard gales of wind."
After taking a good pull or two at the Holland's [a bottle], he grew a little composed, when I jokingly asked him if he was afraid of ghosts?
"Why, as to that, d'ye see," said he, "I think as how I'm as good as another man; but I'd always a terrible antipathy to those things. Even when I was a boy, I never could find it in my heart to cross a churchyard in the dark without whistling and hallooing, to make them believe I had company with me, for I've heard say they appear but to one at a time; for now, when I called to Joe Jackson, who was at the helm, to look over the weather bow, he saw nothing; tho', ask how, I saw it as plain as this here bottle," taking another swig at the Geneva.
Having some curiosity to see if I could make out anything that could take such an appearance, I turned out, and accompanied him upon deck; but it had cleared up, the moon shining very bright, and not a cloud to be seen; though, by what I could learn from the rest of the people who were on deck, it had been very cloudy about half an hour before, of course I easily divined what kind of phantom had so alarmed my messmate. The sea running very high, and the gale rather increasing, we continued to lay too, and in the morning found we had parted company with the rest of the transports, not one being discernable from the mast head.
南緯の高緯度アフリカ沿岸には、船乗りたち共通の迷信がある。ハリケーンにしばしば「さまよえるオランダ人」と呼ばれる幽霊船が現れるというのだ。夜が明けると、光り輝く船の形が、トップセイルを翻しながら急速に滑走し、「風の目」の中をまっすぐに航行する。 この船の乗組員は、航海が始まったばかりの頃に何か恐ろしい罪を犯し、悪疫に冒されたと考えられている。 そのため、彼らはあらゆる港への入港を拒否され、然るべき償いが終わるまで、その死を遂げた海を漂い続ける運命なのだと。チョーサーは同じような罰について言及している。
It is a common superstition of mariners, that, in the high southern latitudes on the coast of Africa, hurricanes are frequently ushered in by the appearance of a specter-ship, denominated the Flying Dutchman. At dead of night, the luminous form of a ship slides rapidly, with topsails flying, and sailing straight in "the wind's eye."*10 The crew of this vessel are supposed to have been guilty of some dreadful crime in the infancy of navigation, and to have been stricken with the pestilence. They were hence refused admittance into every port, and are ordained still to traverse the ocean on which they perished, till the period of their penance expire. Chaucer alludes to a punishment of a similar kind.
'And breakers of the laws, sooth to sain,
And lecherous folk, after that they been dead,
Shall whirl about the world alway in pain,
Till many a world be passed out of dread.'
CHAUCER'S Assembly of Fowls .
The Flying Dutchman; Written on Passing Dead-Man's Island In the Gulf of St Lawrence, Late in the Evening, Sept. 1804.
by Thomas Moore
SEE you, beneath yon cloud so dark,
Fast gliding along a gloomy bark?
Her sails are full,—though the wind is still,
And there blows not a breath her sails to fill!
Say, what doth that vessel of darkness bear?
The silent calm of the grave is there,
Save now and again a death-knell rung,
And the flap of the sails with night-fog hung.
There lieth a wreck on the dismal shore
Of cold and pitiless Labrador;
Where, under the moon, upon mounts of frost,
Full many a mariner’s bones are tost.
Yon shadowy bark hath been to that wreck,
And the dim blue fire, that lights her deck,
Doth play on as pale and livid a crew
As ever yet drank the churchyard dew.
To Deadman’s Isle, in the eye of the blast,
To Deadman’s Isle, she speeds her fast;
By skeleton shapes her sails are furled,
And the hand that steers is not of this world!
Oh! hurry thee on,—oh! hurry thee on,
Thou terrible bark, ere the night be gone,
Nor let morning look on so foul a sight
As would blanch forever her rosy light!
ヴァンダーデッケン望郷の便り、あるいは愛着ゆえの執着(1821)Vanderdecken's Message Home;*11 Or, The Tenacity Of Natural Affection
喜望峰に立ち寄って直ぐ、船はまた出て行った。やがてテーブル山 the Table Mountain が見えなくなると、荒々しく襲い来る海、知られる限り他の大洋などよりずっと手強いと有名な海に揉まれ始めた。日は翳り霞んでいき、風も最前まで爽やかに吹いていたのが、時折ぱったり止んだと思うと短く強く吹き返し、風向きを変え、一時的に猛烈に吹き付けてはまた止みと、物悲しい綺想曲でも練習しているかのようだった。南東からは重々しいうねりが届き始めた。帆は帆柱に揺れ、船は右を左に転げ回ること、水浸しになりかねないばかり。舵を取ろうにもろくに風はなし。
Our ship, after touching at the Cape*12, went out again, and, soon losing sight of the Table Mountain, began to be assailed by the impetuous attacks of the sea, which is well known to be more formidable there than in most parts of the known ocean. The day had grown dull and hazy, and the breeze, which had formerly blown fresh, now sometimes subsided almost entirely, and then, recovering its strength for a short time, and changing its direction, blew with temporary violence, and died away again, as if exercising a melancholy caprice*13. A heavy swell began to come from the southeast. Our sails*14 flapped against the masts, and the ship rolled from side to side as heavily as if she had been water-logged. There was so little wind that she would not steer.
At 2 P.M. we had a squall, accompanied by thunder and rain. The seamen, growing restless, looked anxiously ahead. They said we would have a dirty night of it, and that it would not be worth while to turn into their hammocks. As the second mate was describing a gale he had encountered off Cape Race, Newfoundland, we were suddenly taken all aback, and the blast came upon us furiously.
We continued to scud under a double-reefed mainsail and foretopsail till dusk; but, as the sea ran high, the captain thought it safest to bring her to. The watch on deck consisted of four men, one of whom was appointed to keep a lookout ahead, for the weather was so hazy that we could not see two cables' length*15 from the bows.
This man, whose name was Tom Willis, went frequently to the bows as if to observe something; and when the others called to him, inquiring what he was looking at, he would give no definite answer. They therefore went also to the bows, and appeared startled, and at first said nothing. But presently one of them cried, "William, go call the watch."
The seamen, having been asleep in their hammocks, murmured at this unseasonable summons, and called to know how it looked upon deck. To which Tom Willis replied, "Come up and see. What we are minding is not on deck, but ahead."
On hearing this they ran up without putting on their jackets, and when they came to the bows there was a whispering.
One of them asked, "Where is she? I do not see her." To which another replied, "The last flash of lightning showed there was not a reef in one of her sails; but we, who know her history, know that all her canvas will never carry her into port."
By this time the talking of the seamen had brought some of the passengers on deck. They could see nothing, however, for the ship was surrounded by thick darkness and by the noise of the dashing waters, and the seamen evaded the questions that were put to them.
At this juncture the chaplain*16 came on deck. He was a man of grave and modest demeanor, and was much liked among the seamen, who called him Gentle George. He overheard one of the men asking another if he had ever seen the Flying Dutchman before, and if he knew the story about her. To which the other replied, "I have heard of her beating about in these seas. What is the reason she never reaches port?"
The first speaker replied, "They give different reasons for it, but my story is this: She was an Amsterdam vessel, and sailed from that port seventy years ago. Her master*17 's name was Vanderdecken. He was a staunch seaman, and would have his own way in spite of the devil. For all that, never a sailor under him had reason to complain, though how it is on board with them now nobody knows.
The story is this, that, in doubling the Cape, they were a long day trying to weather the Table Bay, which we saw this morning. However, the wind headed them, and went against then more and more, and Vanderdecken walked the deck, swearing at the wind.
Just after sunset a vessel*18 spoke him, asking if he did not mean to go into the bay that night. Vanderdecken replied, 'May I be eternally d--d if I do, though I should beat about here till the day of judgment!'
And, to be sure, Vanderdecken never did go into that bay; for it is believed that he continues to beat about in these seas still, and will do so long enough. This vessel is never seen but with foul weather along with her."
To which another replied, "We must keep clear of her. They say that her captain mans his jolly-boat when a vessel comes in sight, and tries hard to get alongside, to put letters on board, but no good comes to them who have communication with him."
Tom Willis said, "There is such a sea between us at present as should keep us safe from such visits."
To which the other answered, "We cannot trust to that, if Vanderdecken sends out his men."
Some of this conversation having been overheard by the passengers, there was a commotion among them. In the meantime the noise of the waves against the vessel could scarcely be distinguished from the sounds of the distant thunder. The wind had extinguished the light in the binnacle, where the compass was, and no one could tell which way the ship's head lay.
The passengers were afraid to ask questions, lest they should augment the secret sensation of fear which chilled every heart, or learn any more than they already knew. For while they attributed their agitation of mind to the state of the weather, it was sufficiently perceptible that their alarms also arose from a cause which they did not acknowledge.
The lamp at the binnacle being relighted, they perceived that the ship lay closer to the wind than she had hitherto done, and the spirits of the passengers were somewhat revived.
Nevertheless, neither the tempestuous state of the atmosphere nor the thunder had ceased, and soon a vivid flash of lightning showed the waves tumbling around us, and, in the distance, the Flying Dutchman scudding furiously before the wind under a press of canvas. The sight was but momentary, but it was sufficient to remove all doubt from the minds of the passengers. One of the men cried aloud, "There she goes, topgallants*20 and all."
The chaplain had brought up his prayer-book, in order that he might draw from thence something to fortify and tranquillise the minds of the rest. Therefore, taking his seat near the binnacle, so that the light shone upon the white leaves of the book, he, in a solemn tone, read out the service for those distressed at sea. The sailors stood round with folded arms, and looked as if they thought it would be of little use. But this served to occupy the attention of those on deck for a while.
In the meantime the flashes of lightning, becoming less vivid, showed nothing else, far or near, but the billows weltering round the vessel. The sailors seemed to think that they had not yet seen the worst, but confined their remarks and prognostications to their own circle.
At this time the captain, who had hitherto remained in his berth*21, came on deck, and, with a gay and unconcerned air, inquired what was the cause of the general dread. He said he thought they had already seen the worst of the weather, and wondered that his men had raised such a hubbub about a capful of wind. Mention being made of the Flying Dutchman, the captain laughed. He said he would like very much to see any vessel carrying topgallantsails in such a night, for it would be a sight worth looking at.
The chaplain, taking him by one of the buttons of his coat, drew him aside, and appeared to enter into serious conversation with him. While they were talking together, the captain was heard to say, "Let us look to our own ship, and not mind such things;" and, accordingly, he sent a man aloft to see if all was right about the foretopsail-yard, which was chafing the mast with a loud noise.
It was Tom Willis who went up; and when he came down he said that all was tight*22, and that he hoped it would soon get clearer; and that they would see no more of what they were most afraid of.
The captain and first mate were heard laughing loudly together, while the chaplain observed that it would be better to repress such unseasonable gaiety.
The second mate, a native of Scotland, whose name was Duncan Saunderson, having attended one of the university classes at Aberdeen*23, thought himself too wise to believe all that the sailors said, and took part with the captain. He jestingly told Tom Willis, to borrow his grandam's spectacles the next time he was sent to keep a lookout ahead.
Tom walked sulkily away, muttering, that he would nevertheless trust to his own eyes till morning, and accordingly took his station at the bow, and appeared to watch as attentively as before.
The sound of talking soon ceased, for many returned to their births, and we heard nothing but the clanking of the ropes upon the masts, and the bursting of the billows ahead, as the vessel successively took the seas.
But after a considerable interval of darkness, gleams of lightning began to reappear. Tom Willis suddenly called out, "Vanderdecken, again! Vanderdecken, again! I see, them letting down a boat."
All who were on deck ran to the bows. The next flash of lightning shone far and wide over the raging sea, and showed us not only the Flying Dutchman at a distance, but also a boat coming from her with four men. The boat was within two cables' length of our ship's side. The man who first saw her, ran to the captain, and asked whether they should hail her or not. The captain, walking about in great agitation, made no reply.
The first mate cried, "Who's going to heave a rope to that boat?"
The men looked each other without offering to do anything. The boat had come very near the chains, when Tom Willis called out, "What do you want? or what devil has blown you here in such weather?"
A piercing voice from the boat replied, in English, "We want to speak with your captain."
The captain took no notice of this, and, Vanderdecken's boat having come close alongside, one of the men came upon deck, and appeared like a fatigued and weather-beaten seaman holding some letters in his hand.
Our sailors all drew back. The chaplain,*24 however, looking steadfastly upon him, went forward a few steps, and asked, "What is the purpose of this visit?"
The stranger replied, "We have long been kept here by foul weather, and Vanderdecken wishes to send these letters to his friends in Europe."
Our captain now came forward, and said, as firmly as he could, "I wish Vanderdecken would put his letters on board of any other vessel rather than mine."
The stranger replied, "We have tried many a ship, but most of them refuse our letters."
Upon which Tom Willis muttered, "It will be best for us if we do the same, for they say there is sometimes a sinking weight in your paper."
The stranger took no notice of this, but asked where we were from. On being told that we were from Portsmouth, he said, as if with strong feeling, "Would that you had rather been from Amsterdam! Oh, that we saw it again! We must see our friends again." When he uttered these words, the men who were in the boat below wrung their hands, and cried, in a piercing tone, in Dutch, "Oh, that we saw it again! We have been long here beating about; but we must see our friends again."*25
The chaplain asked the stranger, "How long have you been at sea?"
He replied, "We have lost our count, for our almanac was blown overboard. Our ship, you see, is there still; so why should you ask how long we have been at sea? For Vanderdecken only wishes to write home and comfort his friends."
To which the chaplain replied, "Your letters, I fear, would be of no use in Amsterdam, even if they were delivered; for the persons to whom they are addressed are probably no longer to be found there, except under very ancient green turf in the churchyard*26."
The unwelcome stranger then wrung his hands and appeared to weep, and replied, "It is impossible; we cannot believe you. We have been long driving about here, but country nor relations cannot be so easily forgotten. There is not a raindrop in the air but feels itself kindred to all the rest, and they fall back into the sea to meet with each other again*27. How then can kindred blood be made to forget where it came from? Even our bodies are part of the ground of Holland; and Vanderdecken says, if he once were to come to Amsterdam, he would rather be changed into a stone post, well fixed into the ground, than leave it again if that were to die elsewhere. But in the meantime we only ask you to take these letters."
The chaplain, looking at him with astonishment, said, "This is the insanity of natural affection, which rebels against all measures of time and distance."
The stranger continued, "Here is a letter from our second mate to his dear and only remaining friend, his uncle, the merchant who lives in the second house on Stuncken Yacht Quay."
He held forth the letter, but no one would approach to take it.
Tom Willis raised his voice and said, "One of our men, here, says that he was in Amsterdam last summer, and he knows for certain that the street called Stuncken Yacht Quay was pulled down sixty years ago, and now there is only a large church at that place."
『飛んでいくオランダ人』から来た男は、「有り得ない。信じられません。此方は別に、私からの手紙です。 私の愛する妹に銀行券を送って、洒落たレースを買って、高級な頭飾りにしてやろうという。」
The man from the Flying Dutchman said, "It is impossible; we cannot believe you. Here is another letter from myself, in which I have sent a bank-note to my dear sister, to buy some gallant lace to make her a high head-dress."
Tom Willis, hearing this, said, "It is most likely that her head now lies under a tombstone, which will outlast all the changes of the fashion. But on what house is your bank-note?"
The stranger replied, "On the house of Vanderbrucker & Company."
The man of whom Tom Willis had spoken said, "I guess there will now be some discount upon it, for that banking house was gone to destruction forty years ago; and Vanderbrucker was afterward a-missing. But to remember these things is like raking up the bottom of an old canal."
The stranger called out, passionately, "It is impossible; we cannot believe it! It is cruel to say such things to people in our condition. There is a letter from our captain himself, to his much-beloved and faithful wife, whom he left at a pleasant summer dwelling on the border of the Haarlemer Mer. She promised to have the house beautifully painted and gilded before he came back, and to get a new set of looking-glasses for the principal chamber, that she might see as many images of Vanderdecken as if she had six husbands at once."
The man replied, "There has been time enough for her to have had six husbands since then; but were she alive still, there is no fear that Vanderdecken would ever get home to disturb her."
On hearing this the stranger again shed tears, and said if they would not take the letters he would leave them; and, looking around, he offered the parcel to the captain, chaplain, and to the rest of the crew successively, but each drew back as it was offered, and put his hands behind his back. He then laid the letters upon the deck, and placed upon them a piece of iron which was lying near, to prevent them from being blown away. Having done this, he swung himself over the gangway, and went into the boat.
We heard the others speak to him, but the rise of a sudden squall prevented us from distinguishing his reply. The boat was seen to quit the ship's side, and in a few moments there were no more traces of her than if she had never been there. The sailors rubbed their eyes as if doubting what they had witnessed; but the parcel still lay upon deck, and proved the reality of all that had passed.
Duncan Saunderson, the Scotch mate, asked the captain if he should take them up and put them in the letter-bag. Receiving no reply, he would have lifted them if it had not been for Tom Willis, who pulled him back, saying that nobody should touch them.
In the meantime the captain went down to the cabin, and the chaplain, having followed him, found him at his bottle-case pouring out a large dram*28 of brandy. The captain, although somewhat disconcerted, immediately offered the glass to him, saying, "Here, Charters*29, is what is good in a cold night."
The chaplain declined drinking anything, and, the captain having swallowed the bumper, they both returned to the deck, where they found the seamen giving their opinions concerning what should be done with the letters. Tom Willis proposed to pick them up on a harpoon, and throw it overboard.
Another speaker said, "I have always heard it asserted that it is neither safe to accept them voluntarily, nor, when they are left, to throw them out of the ship."
"Let no one touch them," said the carpenter. "The way to do with the letters from the Flying Dutchman is to case them up on deck, so that, if he sends back for them, they are still there to give him."
The carpenter went to fetch his tools. During his absence the ship gave so violent a pitch that the piece of iron slid off the letters, and they were whirled overboard by the wind, like birds of evil omen whirring through the air. There was a cry of joy among the sailors, and they ascribed the favourable change which soon took place in the weather to our having got quit of Vanderdecken. We soon got under way again. The night watch being set, the rest of the crew retired to their berths.
*1:アールネ・トンプソンのタイプ・インデックス(英: Aarne-Thompson type index、AT分類)とは、世界各地に伝わる昔話をその類型ごとに収集・分類したもの。
*2:cape は一般的に岬を言うが、the Cape というときは喜望峰を指す。
*4:単縦陣を組む戦列艦をいう。英語では船舶一般を女性名詞とするのに対し、「男の船」を強調し "man of war ship" と呼んだものが、後に ship を外した。しかしそれなら、『さまよえるオランダ人』は商船ではなく戦闘専門の、かなり強力な軍艦で、オペラの想定とは異なるのではないか。重い艦砲を舷側に多数配備し、砲弾を備蓄した軍艦には、商品を積み込む余裕はない
*7:port としか言っていないが、小窓を開けた程度で怯える理由にはならない。『さまよえるオランダ人』号は全砲門を開き、艦砲の発射準備を整え、敵対行動というか掠奪の構えを見せたから、海賊の害を恐れた訳である
*8:アシュリマン教授の引用文では pot に作るが、おそらく原典の汚損
*9:アシュリマン教授の引用文では founder に作るが、訳すと意味が通らない。これに限らず、f と記した文字が s の綴り違いと思われる箇所があり、原典を見ると、long s と呼ばれる f によく似た ſ の写し損ねであろう。古英語のアルファベットは、現在のものと異なるところがあり、写本によっても異なる事があり、どうやら発音話し方も異なっていたので、著作権のない古典も案外と面倒臭い。
*10:「台風の目」の事と思われるが、Typhoon とは書いていない
*11:オランダ人船長のこの名は、出版物ではこれが初出と見られている。しかしこの話の中では、以前から有名だったように書かれている。Wikipedia でフルネームを Hendrik Van Der Decken とするのは典拠不明。そもそも deck は『天井』『甲板』を指すドイツ語、decken はその動詞であるから、オランダ人船長に相応しい人名とも思えない。もっとも、アンドレ・ヴァンデルノート(André Vandernoot, 1927 - 1991)というベルギーの指揮者も居たから、似たような名の者は在ったかもしれない。この読み方に倣うと、「ヴァンデルデッケン」が現地読みに近いと思われる。英語読みだと「ヴァンダーデッケン」になる。
*12:cape は「岬」。中でも the Cape というと、ほぼ喜望峰 Good Hope Cape 及びケープタウンを意味する。
*14:帆船の帆は幾つにも分かれ、呼び名も統一されず、適切な訳語が判らない。とりあえず Wikipedia に拠る
*15:鏈(れん)。海上距離の単位、通例100尋すなわち1/10海里 = 185m
*16:病院・刑務所・軍隊・学校などの組織に所属する牧師。特に軍隊付の牧師は「従軍牧師」と訳されるが、chaplain は必ずしも従軍する牧師ではない。
*18:She とはされていないので、別の船からの呼びかけ。当時は、船団を組んでの航海が普通だった。
*20:上檣[帆]。大型の帆船では横帆を分割して張る。下からコースセイル、トップセイル、トップセイルの上がトガンセイル。セイルは「スル」と省略して呼ばれることがある。top and top-gallant または top and topgallant という言い方で「帆を全部揚げて」「全速力で」の意味になる。
*22:酔っ払った船長が all was right か見てこいと命じたので、このように洒落で返した。
*24:頼りにならない The captain に代わって、The chaplain が根性を見せ、結果として見せ場を作る。本作が緊迫した場面の合間にこうした駄洒落を挟むのは、航海の実際に近いのではないか。